Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas Time!

One more week at work until I have from the 22nd December to the 1st January off! And what happens between those days? CHRISTMAS! Okay I don't usually get excited for Christmas till Christmas eve, but this year I'm really looking forward to it. I suppose it's a time to spend with family with all the lovely decorations up, which makes it feel so cosy!

I love my house around Christmas time because of the decorations we have. Yes, some of them may be corny or very old, but they make my house feel very warm and cosy. Also I love coming in from the cold because it's usually nice and warm. Sinking into the warm sofa with a cup of hot chocolate and watching Coronation Street, sounds like a good thing to come home to after work.

I do love winter. But... During summer I miss winter and during winter I miss summer! I do prefer the cold and love the atmosphere around Christmas time, but winter goes on waaaaay too long!

I have almost finished my Christmas shopping and am excited to see certain people open their presents. Plus I am excited to see what Dan has got me haha. He was very mean before when we went Christmas shopping, I asked him whether he had any luck in finding me anything... His answer... "I don't know". I then asked him whether he had brought me anything that day... "I don't know". Haha he wasn't going to give anything away! He gave in the other day and told me that he actually did get me something :) Bless him teasing me! Can't wait to see him open his presents. Hehe!

Another thing that I can't wait for is the Christmas dinner. My parents make an amazing Christmas dinner and every year I look forward to it! My grandparents (my mum's parents) come over on Christmas day and we spend the day together. I really enjoy it when the family is together for Christmas day. I also usually see my best friend on Christmas day for a little bit to exchange presents! I can't wait to see Kim, she is coming home tomorrow! We have decided that over Christmas we are going to have a sleepover full of Monty Python films, strawberries and chocolate! Will be amazing! I'm looking forward to it!

Oh and i'm feeling a lot better now after my cold has gone and I am back at work! I have the work Christmas party on Tuesday which should be amazing! I cannot wait to wear my new dress and to just socialise with my work friends. Dan is of course invited as well which will be great! The last work party we had was a BBQ at the bosses house and for most of the day Dan, Rob (work mate) and I played badminton and table tennis which was so fun, but felt very achy the next day. Oh, because I am writing a blog now... I might as well say... Happy 21st Birthday to Rob on the 20th December! 

Monday (the day before the Christmas party) work has treated the women to a spray tan and a manicure. I am very excited for the manicure and I have grown my nails especially for it! The spray tan i'm a bit 50/50 because I have never had one before and don't want to come out ORANGE! It will be a new experience and hopefully *fingers crossed* I won't come out orange!

Right that is it for this week so hopefully you will all hear from me closer to Christmas day. If you don't hear from me before Christmas day then have a very Merry Christmas!

By the way, I now have a gallery so all the photos from this blog will be in there. PLUS: some photos I couldn't fit on this blog will be in the gallery!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Thank god for the PS3!

This week must be one of the worst weeks I've had this year! Since Monday I have been suffering from what started off as a migraine to a raging cold. Monday morning I got up to go to work, as soon as I stepped out of bed I felt like someone was pushing me down by my head. It was pounding with pain and I just didn't have time to think. It started making me feel sick and I knew I couldn't manage going to work. I called in sick and went back to bed. This is when I realised that I also had pain all down my neck... my glands were swollen as well which was a bit strange for a migraine. Obviously I didn't have just a migraine... I also had a cold!

I hate being ill and hate just laying in bed all day. I was off work on Monday and Tuesday then attempted to go to work on Wednesday. That was a mistake as the day did not start off as well as I thought it was going to. I got to the train station and looked at the train times to find my train had been cancelled! Luckily I saw my work mate Josh and waited an hour in the freezing cold with him. Once the train finally arrived, I heard some school kids scream "OH MY GOD ITS SNOWING IN SANDWICH!!". I thought no way is it snowing, these kids are just too excited for Christmas. But I was wrong! I stepped off the train in Sandwich and all of sudden I noticed it was snowing like a blizzard! Once I had got to work I was freezing cold in soaking wet clothes with my legs frozen and numb. This clearly was not making me feel any better!

After I had settled down at my desk I started to do my coding and I realised that I really wasn't up for it. My line manager said it was okay if I wasn't feeling up to it and wanted to go. I waited till lunch and decided I was not well enough to work or even concentrate on code.

Since then I have been off and will most likely be off tomorrow as well considering that I feel like i'm just getting worse and getting more symptoms. Being ill really sucks, but something that sure does help is playing on your PS3 (Playstation 3 for noobs) haha. I'm so glad to have my PS3 whilst i'm ill because without it I would be soooooo bored! Thank God for the PS3!!! The only problem is my PS3 doesn't like to do updates, it doesn't like to connect to my internet well which is really annoying. For Christmas i'm asking for a few PS3 games (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is at the top of the list!) so I really hope the updates will work by then and not take 2 hours to do just 1 update! I can't wait to play COD2 with my partner online. It will be brilliant! Is it odd that I like shooting my boyfriend on the PS3? Haha.

Until then I hope I get better real soon and can be back at work at least by Monday :)

Thanks for reading x

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Never give up!

Life can throw so much rubbish at you, even though you try so hard to prevent it. No matter how much it may throw at you, you should know never to give up.

Recently most of my friends went to University and left home, whereas I stayed at home doing my apprenticeship. I've found it really hard to adjust considering my best friend has moved away to Uni. We lived two doors away from each other so we were always there for each other and saw each other quite often, whereas I now will probably not get to see her for months. I will hopefully be seeing her over Christmas which will be awesome! Miss her so much! And the same for the rest of my friends. I miss them and hanging around with them.

Although I miss my friends a lot, I have the most amazing boyfriend who has helped me through so much! He has been amazing, supportive and so understanding whilst my friends have been away. I honestly have no idea where i would be without him! I love him loads! I am very lucky to have someone like him.

Another thing I have been finding hard is going from doing nothing all week when I was looking for a job to having a 5 day job. It was quite hard to adjust to this as I had so much free time to not much at all. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy to have my job as I am doing something I truly like. Just found it weird, but I am slowly getting used to it.

Things change in life, but we always adjust to the changes in time. We all need to remember not to give up on the important things in life and not to give up on someone you can't spend a day without thinking about. I know I won't :)

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Painful Paintballing

I've only been paintballing twice and I must say it is so fun! It may be quite painful and physical, but what is more fun than shooting paintballs at random strangers?
First time I ever went paintballing was 2 years ago and that was an experience and a half! Best part of it must of been when I shot someone in the privates. For some reason it is one of the most satisfying things to do. Does that sound a bit weird?

I bought my partner Dan a paintballing package for his 19th birthday for him and 3 other people, he kindly invited me to go along. It was a very early morning to a very long and achy day. I had forgotten how physical it was. Running, crouching behind barcades and dodging paintballs. The photo to the left is of mine and Dan's gun numbers on our hands.

Joanna's arm bruiseThere was one moment when Dan and I ran for shelter and he said to me, "look out there is someone over there". I stupidly didn't move and just said, "where?" trying to look for this person. This is when i got shot in the arm. The photo on the right is the bruise caused by this stupidity!

Another funny moment was when me and this random man decided to run for a ladder... we almost made it, but he slipped on the ladder getting his leg trapped which meant we were in full view of the opposite team. I got shot 4 times in a row. One in the thigh, bum cheek, hip and on my side. This hurt! Dan said he thought I got shot because he heard me squeal haha.

Dan got the worst shot out of me and him. He got shot in the back by one of our team members.. I swear it wasn't me!!!! Hehe! But this shot caused his back to cut. It looked so painful when he showed me! And here's the photo to prove it... (to the left). I couldn't believe that it cut, which i had experienced throughout the day. I ended up getting pushed out of the shelter i was hiding behind by some random guy and I got shot twice.. I put my hand up to display I was out and then got shot right in the hand! This was soooooo painful! Brought tears to my eyes, gave me a swollen little finger and a few small cuts. I stayed out for the last 2 games and gave the boys the rest of my paintballs. I went back and spoke to a guy who I think runs the place and he informed me about some amazing offers they had. He was pretty awesome and said he had been doing paintball championships for a long time and toured America. He is retired now, but said how amazing it was. Can't blame him... Its so fun!

We had a very good day and got some funny memories from it... Let's just say Dan and I were walking around the next day like 90 year olds because we were so sore! If you ever consider going paintballing... there is nothing to consider... JUST DO IT!

Thanks for reading :)